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Rocky Mountain Hemp and Western Fiber are developing multiple hemp construction products for the sustainable building industry.                              Rocky Mountain Hemp will provide the nation with several hemp cultivars.  

With the implementation of our processing and manufacturing facilities, Rocky Mountain Hemp and Western Fiber will be providing to the world a vast number of renewable hemp-based building materials.  Western Fiber and Rocky Mountain Hemp have created a unique blended hemp/cellulose insulation called Hempkote.  Rocky Mountain Hemp and Western Fiber are also formulating a line of hemp, flax seed meal and native grass livestock feeds. Our feed is designed to provide additional nutrition to a multitude of animals including horses, cattle, swine, goats and sheep.  Rocky Mountain Hemp also provides consulting services to help with every aspect of your next successful hemp operation.  

Products & Uses

Hemp spray

Hemp spray

2014-02-20 15.48.39

2014-02-20 15.48.39

2015-06-09 16.46.36

2015-06-09 16.46.36

Hemp Oil

Hemp oil is obtained by pressing the hemp seed. In addition to the oil, this process also yields the hemp seed cake. This wonderful oil can be used for a multitude of beneficial products including: animal feed, health and beauty products, bio-diesel, soap and lotions among many other things. Additionally, hemp oil provides a source of essential fatty acids and is high in protein making it an excellent supplement for both human and animal  diets.


Our unique hemp/cellulose blended insulation, Hempkote, has an R-4  per every one inch. When used in construction, hemp-filled walls are non-toxic, resistant to mildew, pest free and flame resistant. Hempcrete is stronger than traditional framing, therefore less lumber is is needed during construction. Hempcrete, a combination of the woody hemp stalk and a lime-based binder has been used successfully in the construction of homes.

Hemp Fiber

Hemp bast fiber can be used for many beneficial products including clothing, industrial fabrics for sails and rope, paper products and building products.  Hemp fiber is naturally microbial resistant and can be recycled efficiently.  It can be used to replace environmentally damaging products containing harmful chemicals from the petroleum industry. 

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